After joining a local rose society despite never having grown roses before, I decided to give growing some mini roses from seed a try this spring. Although a decent amount of the seeds sprouted, unfortunately the majority of them have fallen over and wilted at this point. It's a bit disheartening to come home after a busy day of work to find that yet another one of my seedlings have fallen over, and I think that they are probably damping off due to my tendency to over-water everything. I noticed that white fuzz was growing on the soil for a lot of them, which is another sign that there's too much moisture.

Even though this is pretty disappointing, I'm still pretty new to growing plants, and I know that it's normal to go through an awkward phase at the start where it seems like everything is dying. For the remaining seeds, I'm going to try watering them from the bottom more infrequently and see if this helps with the excess moisture problem. I don't have the time right now to do much more than that because I currently have very limited time and space, but I will definitely be in a better place to expand on my plant-growing soon!

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This sounds like a really exciting project Meara! From the little I know about growing things from seed, I’ve learned that it’s often best to keep the seedlings a little cool, so not as warm as we usually like our homes to be. But you might be doing that already, and the important thing is that you’re experimenting and trying something new, which is great :) Don’t give up, we’ve all killed our fair share of plants 😅🌱

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So THAT’S what’s been happening with my Pothos! Thank you so much for this post. Now I know what to do.

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Good luck! Do let me know how it goes. Four days after treating it with the fungicide I've not discovered any new spots, so 🤞🏻

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